Using Sharing Rules with Flexpricer

Upon installation, Flexpricer creates a series of new custom objects in your Salesforce org.

Most of these custom objects are ‘standalone’ and any/all of Salesforce’s standard tools to managing sharing can be used (e.g. organisation wide sharing rules, custom sharing rules, apex sharing, manual sharing and sharing sets for community users)

As with all AppExchange apps, by default Flexpricer installs with Public access to all of its objects with the following exceptions:

  • Bespoke Account Pricing (Client Pricing) object is Master-Detail with the standard object, Account. This means that your existing sharing rules for Account will apply to Bespoke Account Pricing records.
  • Finance Schedules object is Master-Detail with the standard object, Opportunity. This means that your existing sharing rules for Opportunity will apply to Finance Schedule records.

Flexpricer is written to honour sharing rules. This means that if – for example – certain Volume Pricing records associated with a given Product are not shared with the logged in user, then these records will not be used in calculating Volume Prices for that Product when Flexpricer is used by that logged in user.

You can provide access to Flexpricer objects to external (community) users using standard sharing tools including adding lookups to Account and using Sharing Sets.

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