Guided Product Bundles in Salesforce

What are Guided Product Bundles in Salesforce and Why are they Useful?

Guided Product Bundles help your sales team sell more by automatically adding related products to an opportunity based on the products they’ve selected.

In the example above, when a customer orders ‘Paper Coffee Cups’ we want to guide the sales user by automatically adding ‘Cup Lids’ to the opportunity. This makes sure that the sales team never forget to sell lids when selling cups. On the ‘Paper Coffee Cups’ product record we can see the guided products listed.

We can specify the quantity of the guided product and also whether we need to treat this as an explicit quantity or multiple of the master product quantity. This is relevant when line items are added using Rapid Product Quantities or when the default quantity of the master product has been modified. In this case, we’re using multiple of master because if we add 10 boxes of cups, we also want 10 boxes of lids. 

Now when we add ‘Paper Coffee Cups (4oz)’ to an opportunity, we automatically have ‘Cup Lids’ as well.

Use Guided Product Bundles to push additional, relevant products onto an opportunity to help your sales team sell the right range of products to your customers every time. 

How to Setup Guided Product Bundles (Add-ons)

  • Add the ‘Master Add-on’ and ‘Included as an Add-on to’ related lists to your Product page layout
  • From the ‘Add-on Master’ Product – i.e. the product that will trigger the add-on to be added – press the ‘New’ button on the ‘Master Add-on’ related list
  • Populate the ‘Add-on Product’ lookup with the product that you would like automatically added on as a line item when the master product is selected.
  • Specify the ‘Default Quantity’ to add a different quantity of the ‘Add-on Product’ when the line item is created by this functionality.

How to Use Guided Product Bundles (Add-ons)

  • Select the ‘Add-on Master’ product in Vision Product Selector using Quick Add or Product Cards
  • The ‘Add-on Master’ product is added as a line item as are the ‘Add-on’ Products from the related list

Enhancing the use of Guided Product Bundles (Add-ons)

  • If you’d like a discount to be automatically applied to the Add-on Product when it is automatically added on as a line item, specify this in the Add-on Discount percentage field on the Add-on record.

  • If you’d like to lock the Add-on Product to the Add-on Master Product so that removing the Add-on Master also removes the Add-on line item, simply check the ‘Required’ checkbox on the Add-on record.
    Note that this functionality also works in Simple Product Configurator if the Add-on Product is included as a Product Option.

  • When using the Simple Product Configurator, checking the ‘Master Locked’ checkbox means that the Add-on Product cannot be selected on its own and it will be automatically selected when the Add-on Master Product is selected.

  • If you’d like the default quantity of the Add-on Product to be considered as a multiple of the default quantity of the Add-on Master Product, then check the ‘Multiple of Master’ checkbox on the Add-on record.
    If using Rapid Product Quantity buttons on Product Cards then the default quantity will be considered as a multiple of the quantity selected using Rapid Product Quantity.

  • If you’d like the Add-on Product’s quantity to become read-only and stay in sync as a multiple of the master product’s quantity, check both the ‘Multiple of Master’ and ‘Persistent Multiple of Master’ checkboxes on the Add-on record.

Additional LWC Functionality

  • If you’d like to specify a new sales price when the Add-on Product is automaticalled added by the Add-on Master, then populate the New Sales Price field with the price. The New Sales Price will be set according to the following priority order:
    • Sales Price set by Contracted Price / Contracted Volume Price records
    • Sales Price set by Matrix Price Adjustment record in Segmented Account Pricing feature
    • Sales Price set by Volume Price record
    • Sales Price set by Guided Bundle (Add-on) record
  • In the event that the org is multi-currency, then the currency of the Add-on record must match the currenty of the Opportunity/Quote for the New Sales Price to be set.
  • You can choose for the behaviour of the Add-on Product to change if the opportunity/quote relates to an Amendment Opportunity for an existing Subscription Contract by using the ‘If Subscription Amendment Opp’ picklist. Select values as follows
    • Add Line Item — to add the Add-on Product as a line item on Amendment Opportunities
    • Add Line Item without Discount — to add the Add-on Product but without the Add-on Discount being applied
    • Do Not Add Line Item – to not add the Add-on Product

Performance Information for Classic Interface

  • We recommend having no more than 50 products automatically added as line items when using Guided Product Bundles. Prior to v1.50.1, our recommendation was to have no more than 10 line items automatically added on.

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