Sales Price & Discounts in Salesforce

In order to edit Sales Price and Discounts in standard Salesforce, the user’s profile must contain the ‘Edit Opportunity Product Sales Price’ system permission.

If the user does not have this permission, Flexpricer will be unable to automatically set a Sales Price and Vision Product Selector will not allow a user to manually update a sales price.

We recommend that you enable this permission in all Flexpricer user profiles and use granular controls

  • Flexpricer Settings page – to prevent manual updates in Vision Product Selector for all Flexpricer users
  • Flexpricer Custom Permissions – to modify behaviour on a per-user basis
  • Flexpricer Product Price Lock checkbox – to modify behaviour on a per-product basis

Flexpricer includes the following custom permissions that, when applied to a user’s profile or a permission set that can be allocated to a user, can be used to control the related user’s behaviour in the app.

Custom Permission NameBehaviour
Hide Discount EditPrevents the Sales Price popover from displaying the field that allows editing of a line item’s Discount
Hide Sales Price EditPrevents the Sales Price popover from displaying the entry field that allows editing of a line item’s Sales Price

For a full list of custom permissions included in Flexpricer, see the Custom Permissions To Adapt Behaviour page.

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