Salesforce’s standard Product Selector ignores the Active checkbox on a Product record.
This means that your only method to hide a product from the Product Selector is to deactivate all the PricebookEntries.
Vision Product Selector and Flexpricer does not show Inactive Products in search results.
This means that in order for a product to appear in search results, all the following must be true.
- Pricebook is Active
- Product is Active
- PricebookEntry is Active
Additionally, Vision Product Selector includes a field called ‘Hide from Search’ on the Product record. This means that if you wish to hide a product from search results, but use other Flexpricer features to potentially add the line item on, you can check this checkbox to do so.
A common implementation of this is when using Configurator to display options that are only relevant in the Configurator.