What are Percentage Discount Products in Salesforce and Why are they Useful
Percentage Discount Products enable your sales users and managers to apply a discount line item to opportunities and quotes.
By specifying a percentage discount as a negative-value line item (rather than as a discount to individual products), a ‘whole of opportunity’ discount can appear as a separate item on your quotes/proposals/invoices.
As your sales users and manager change their percentage discounts, so the negative-value line item amount dynamically changes based on the products on the opportunity.
Consider the scenarios…
You want to send quotes that have a discount shown as a separate line item,
Percentage Discount Products solves this
You would like users and managers to have separate line items so that you
can show customers escalated levels of discount that you’re offering
Discounts are automatically calculated as a percentage of all items on the
opportunity/quote, so represent the true amount of discount rather than simply
seeing a percentage number
Use Percentage Discount Products to set a product as a
line item discount on an opportunity or quote, so that you can show customers
a line on a quote, proposal or invoice that represents an additional discount
given by a Sales User or Manager.
Setup Percentage Discount Products in Salesforce
Go to Flexpricer Settings page
Check the Activation check box next to the Percentage Discount Products line
in the Sales Empowerment section
Check the checkbox next to User Discount and specify the product to add as
the Percentage Discount Product for Users in the User Discount product lookup
Check the checkbox next to Manager Discount to use Manager Discounts and
specify the product to add as the Percentage Discount Product for Managers
in the Manager Discount product lookup
Press Save
Using Percentage Discount Products in Salesforce
- Open Flexpricer user interface
Below the Total Amount box is either a User Discount link or Manager Discount
link or both.- Click on the link and enter a discount into the data entry box
The User Discount amount data entry box is accessible to users with
the Flexpricer (User) Permission Set
The Manager Discount amount data entry box is accessible to users
with the Flexpricer (Manager) Permission Set
Users with the Flexpricer (Admin) Permission Set have access to both
User Discount and Manager Discount data entry boxes.
Important Notes on Percentage Discount Products
Products specified as Percentage Discount Products in Flexpricer
Settings are excluded from product search results in the Flexpricer user
In the Settings page, the User Discount product and
Manager Discount product should be different to avoid unexpected
behaviour in the FlexPricer interface.